
Monday, November 29, 2010
The placebo effect is an effect cause by the placebo like if you have a problem in your leg and the doctor says that he checked your leg but truely he did not made a thing is just a placebo and then the next week or month the pacient will say it dosen't hurt, he healed his leg mentally by the placebo. Beecher wanted to show that the placebo has this effectiveness that can help everybody, he wanted to improve health by doing nothing or something fake, he wanted to improve the medical world, the studies always have problems this one for example when you do the study to many people mostly all the people will have some problems after the study like pain, depression even heart problems that always go wrong in a good study. This studies always have there bad thing for example when beecher wanted a reanalysis they did not found any work of him that is cited to his name so he lost all his hard work and investigations that it took several years to make them.That is a mayor problem for this studies, the placebo effect only affects in some people who have a mentally established mind.For me the effectiveness of the placebo effect is good because it helps many persons, we saw a video of a vietnam fromer soldeir who had a knee problem so the doctor made the operation but he did not made anything and by the next week the former soldeir did not have any pain so the effectiveness of the placebo is good in people who have in their mind that they want the pain to go away.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
cultural differences
There is a thing called childhood amnesia is that you don't remember about things in your early childhood only if they are very emotional. There are people who grow up in societies that focus on personal history like in the united states or other that focus in the family history like Maori will have a very different childhood memory.Many psychologists want to find out more about that because is very interesting. Depending in what rgion you are your memory will be different because they are based in thir cultural way, everyone will have better or worst memory others advance or slow memory is very fascinating that your memory is different depending where do you live.
gender differences
There are sex differennces in episodic memory,a long term memory of emotions and favoring women. The study says that the women are more advance in many things than men like remebering things many things. the women also can remember symbolic and non linguistic information this is also called visouspatial processing.They say that women are better than man in remembering names and that women remember women faces better that men faces. To see if all of that is true they put three groups of participants with black and white pictures of hairless androgynous faces wich are the female faces, the study results were that women were able to remember the androgynous female faces than adrogynous male faces.The whole point is that women are better that men in the part of remembering things, I know a guy named Ron White and he is better than all women and men in remembering things he is the best.
Monday, November 15, 2010
article 3

Payne and Elizabeth Corrigan found that even "mild" emotional events like many rough things can make you do not forget you that and you hace a huge responobility in facing that. people make all to forget but the information they have will not go away.The UNC study took an aproach by asking 218 participants to react to photographs instead of text."The word 'murder,' for instance, may or may not make you afraid, but if you see a graphic, violent picture, it may be powerful enough emotionally to change the way you feel," Payne said. they saw that the participants by seeing the pictures, they never forgot them. and that makes them the results that you will "never" forget somethingts. In life i would use this to make the community see how your mind work.
article 2

Weiwei Zhang, a postdoctoral scholar and Steve Luck a professor of psychology, both at the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain hand out a pair of tests, both of which could separately measure two thingslike the accuracy of a short term memory and the probability that the memory still existed. the test was only was handed to 12 adults.the first test was one of squares to see the squares then see a wheel with the square colors and then see the 3 squares colorless one highlited. "When subjects retained a memory of the color, they clicked very close to it on the wheel — the distance between the click and the actual color indicating the accuracy of the memory. When color had disappeared from memory, however, subjects clicked at random on the wheel". the second test was the same only that instead of colors now shapes and the results are "The finding provides insight into the underlying mechanisms behind memory formation and retention. “The memories are not like flashlights that get progressively weaker as the battery runs low,” Luck said. “They are more like a laptop computer that continues working at the same speed until it suddenly shuts down.” This could be important in everyday life, he explained, because it would provide a mechanism to help us avoid the confusion that might arise if we tried to make decisions on the basis of weak, inaccurate memories." I can use this in the real life with my classmates and make them think.
article 1

A group of neuroscientists at the university of queensland conducted the experiment of a new way to explain how emotional events can sometimes lead to disturbing long term memories, this neuroscientists were making a study of the almond-shaped part of the brain called the amygdala, the discover of a cellular mechanism underlying the formation of emotional memories. the scientists wich are Dr. Louise Faber an her colleagues have shown how noradrenaline, affects the amygdala by controling chemical and electrical pathways that make the memory formation.Dr. Faber told her crew that this experiment will help other scientists to look for treatments.
How is memory?
Explain the concept of sensory memory.
Is the first level, sensory memory retains the brief impression of a sensory stimulus itself has ended.
Give an example of sensory memory.
The ability to look at an item and remeber the picture in your head only by observation that is an example of sensory memory.
What is the capacity of our sensory memory?
Well sensory memory can get alotof things done at a time, but the image cang go quickly from the meemory.
4. Describe the concept of short-term memory.
is a system of temporarily storing and managing, it can only retain memory for a little time.
What is the "magic number" as it relates to short-term memory and who conducted the experiment which established this measurement?
that the number of items which can be held in the short term memory, and this magic number was conducted by george miller.
6. What is chunking?
Is taking induvidual units of information and then group them into larger units.
7. What has been determined to be the ideal size of "chunks" for both letters and numbers?
well the ideal size can be a little bit bigger that it usually be.
Which mode of encoding does short-term memory mostly rely on, acoustic or visual?
acoustic, because is faster to remember.
Explain the duration and capacity of long-term memory.
The duration can be of only 18 seconds that the only capacity.
10. Explain in detail the Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of memory.
is a better way to store things for a lot of time, it can chunk information into smaller models of memory.
11. Identify three criticisms or limitations of the Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of memory.
The three-box model says that theres is anything between short and ling term memory,and it says it only on long term system and one short term system, it do not give alot of emphasis to uncounsious processes.
12.Explain the Levels of Processing Model of memory.
memory happens because of processing information,when we relate something to something else, focuses on processes whick make up memory.
13. What is maintenance rehearsal - give an example.
is like when you want to buy some food and you call someone to give you the number and you repeat and repeat that number until you call the place.
14. What is elaborative rehearsal - give an example.
when you are in the airport someone says something in anther language then someone translate it.
15. Who developed the Levels of Processing Model and the concepts of maintenance and elaborative rehearsal?
Fergus I. M. Craik and Lockhart.
Is the first level, sensory memory retains the brief impression of a sensory stimulus itself has ended.
Give an example of sensory memory.
The ability to look at an item and remeber the picture in your head only by observation that is an example of sensory memory.
What is the capacity of our sensory memory?
Well sensory memory can get alotof things done at a time, but the image cang go quickly from the meemory.
4. Describe the concept of short-term memory.
is a system of temporarily storing and managing, it can only retain memory for a little time.
What is the "magic number" as it relates to short-term memory and who conducted the experiment which established this measurement?
that the number of items which can be held in the short term memory, and this magic number was conducted by george miller.
6. What is chunking?
Is taking induvidual units of information and then group them into larger units.
7. What has been determined to be the ideal size of "chunks" for both letters and numbers?
well the ideal size can be a little bit bigger that it usually be.
Which mode of encoding does short-term memory mostly rely on, acoustic or visual?
acoustic, because is faster to remember.
Explain the duration and capacity of long-term memory.
The duration can be of only 18 seconds that the only capacity.
10. Explain in detail the Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of memory.
is a better way to store things for a lot of time, it can chunk information into smaller models of memory.
11. Identify three criticisms or limitations of the Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of memory.
The three-box model says that theres is anything between short and ling term memory,and it says it only on long term system and one short term system, it do not give alot of emphasis to uncounsious processes.
12.Explain the Levels of Processing Model of memory.
memory happens because of processing information,when we relate something to something else, focuses on processes whick make up memory.
13. What is maintenance rehearsal - give an example.
is like when you want to buy some food and you call someone to give you the number and you repeat and repeat that number until you call the place.
14. What is elaborative rehearsal - give an example.
when you are in the airport someone says something in anther language then someone translate it.
15. Who developed the Levels of Processing Model and the concepts of maintenance and elaborative rehearsal?
Fergus I. M. Craik and Lockhart.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Alzheimer disease for many people mostly all is a dangerous disease, it gives you a lot of sadness when you see all the people with alzheimer, it is just so sad like last time in class when we were watching a video of a old guy with alzheimer and he wrote blogs about it, he tells that alzheimer is making him depressed and sometimes when he is getting the mail from the mail box he dosen't know the way back to go home and that is very sad. From that man i have learn many things about alzheimer and many of the reasons he gave were very shocking like sometimes he did not remember were are the things only his cmputer to do his blogs but the other things sometimes he dosen't recognize them.Another story of alzheimer is a old man that lives in a retirement home that does not remeber his wife and he has a girlfriend in that place but it is not his fault is alzheimer fault, is very sad see a guy that has two beloved persons in his life and he sometimes dosen't recognize one is very sad. All of this alzheimer thing is very tragic and everybody can have that disease and that is why is very dangerous and mysterious. I can give you example of alzheimer in tv shows like in desperate house wives tom's mom has alzheimer and she did not recognize it and in grey's anatomy meredith will have alzheimer because her mom had it.
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