

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Myth of Multitasking

1.Many psychologists thinks that multitasking is a myth and they are right is a myth because is impossible that people do that, is like doing soccer juggles with five balls is just impossible and if they can do it they will make it super horrible.

2.the response selection bottleneck refers of doing 2 dual task and how they manage doing it on in puts and out puts. is true what david meyer said because when you do or want to do miltitasking jobs is to release your strees and adrenaline that makes you do many things at the same time only when you have those effects.

4.what russel pldrack meant is that the multitasking affect the brain learning system because doing many things at the same time the brain gets confused that it dosent know what to do so is very difficult and dangerous doing that, that's why russel poldrack meant to say that.

5. what the author wants to end is that by doing multitasking the culture of right know will loose wisdom and will not be important in the future beause thts affecting their brains.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BaMbuti pygmies

The bambuti pygmies are african midgets that live in congo,Their language belongs to the Central Sudanic subgroup of the Nilo-Saharan phylum.the bambuti pygmies are hunters by blood and they have live in africa for a lon time. they are almost 30,000 to 40,000 pygmies in that region in africa. colin turnbull was a damous british antropologist, he became more famous by presenting a book of forest people he was one of the first antropologists to work on ethnomusicology.he went to congo because he wanted to do a study but not of the pygmies he was so curious about pygmes thats why he wanted to study them and that make him very famous. the pygmies were inexperience they didnt have contact with real life they did not discover new things they never seen people, the only see 7 feets far away because they always have been on the trees, when they saw s things form a big distance they tought it was something else because when the thing got closer they tought it was black magic because they didnt know that if you see something at a long distance it will be smaller and if they saw it close it will be bigger so they were very scared. i think that the pygmies are intelligent people if they could have experience because when colin came to congo he teach them how to interact with humans and different things, he was a teacher for him and thats why they showed him that they trust in him.