Albert bandura, behaviorism is a theory of learning and it believes that all behaviors are learned as a result of conditioning.
Juilian rotter,social learning theory and it it basically that people can learn through observing other people.
Martin seligman, positive psychology what this theory is to find a better way to make people that suffer from sadness become a happier person.
Aaron beck,cognitive bahavioral theory focuses on how people think, what they see from vision and hearing, how much they hold and remember and how they react to a stimuli.
IB psychology journal sebas

Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The lobotomist

Dr. Freeman was born on November 14, 1895 “in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Walter Jackson Freeman I. His father was a successful doctor, and his grandfather, William Williams Keen, was president of the American Medical Association. He graduated from Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School”. Was a good doctor a doctor that wanted to write his own future because he made something that many doctor don’t even try, a dangerous surgery, we can call this the lobotomy, a surgery to change your emotions, for you don’t have a mental illness. He made the lobotomy on the frontal lobes, it often worked but many called Mr. Freeman a monster because that surgery had many side effects but he didn’t care and he carry on with his experiment. The first patient was a woman, all worked right, it simply worked. He gave her electro shocks to be like anesthesia and then he got the ice pick and separated the lobes. There was a hospital name St. Elizabeth hospital all the mentally ill end up there, because their families didn’t knew what to do, that was their only choice. The hospital was very horrible because all the mentally ill damage all. Dr. Freeman got many ideas from the Nobel Prize winner for medicine the Portuguese neurologist Egaz Muniz. Dr. Freeman everyday he studied that surgery and all was going well. The symptoms go away for months then the patients relapsed. Many didn’t agree with the lobotomy so that made freeman find a new path to the brain, and then he started to do the lobotomies in front of the press, he made 25 lobotomies in one day. In 1954 they invented the chemical lobotomy and that made Dr.freeman become infamous because all the doctors were prescribing that chemical lobotomy. With the start of antipsychotic drugs, notably chlorpromazine, in the middle of the 1950s, lobotomy fell out of service as a treatment, and Freeman saw his reputation fall quickly. His license to practice medicine was canceled when a patient he was lobotomizing at the Cherokee Mental Health Institute died when he went back for a photo, by accident bouncing the orbitoclast. He continued to drive cross country in his car to visit his former patients. “Freeman's most notorious operation was on the ill-fated Rosemary Kennedy, who was permanently incapacitated by a lobotomy at age 23. Another of his patients, Howard Dully, has now written a book called My Lobotomy about his experiences with Freeman and his long recovery after the surgery he underwent at 12 years old. The claim that Freeman operated on actress Frances Farmer has been conclusively disproven, when its originator admitted in a court proceeding that he had made it up. Researchers have found no reference in Farmer's medical records to an operation while she was not institutionalized, nor did they find a reference to Farmer in Freeman's patient records.” Dr. Freeman too many was the one who revolutionized medicine because he made many things to bring us conclusions to have a better future. Dr. Freeman died in 192 from cancer.,r:11,s:0&biw=930&bih=558
Friday, March 11, 2011
bipolar disorder

After watching the documentary I realize that there are other dangerous diseases among the common ones, the story of evan for me it is very sad, he looked like a nice kid but I notice that sometimes he was sad because I saw his face expressions. Also I can notice that bipolar disorder is a illness that can make you die, those type of kids that suffer from bipolar disorder have a harder life because you don’t know why you change of mood every second, they want to suicide themselves because they don’t like their life’s, also they cant control their brain because when they are bipolar only medications can cure it, they pass through scary and hurting machines to control the bipolar disorder like to some that the pills don’t work the shock them with a electric machine, and they are convulsing after that so I feel with a deep hole in my heart because that make me say thanks to god for all the blessings he had gave me, because I can see others that have worst life than the one I have, we all need to appreciate what god gave us and don’t be complaining about the things that happen to you.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
internal assesment
The stroop effect was published by John Ridley Stroop, he published the effect on 1935 in English, but the effect really was published in 1929 in Germany. The experimented was conducted by john ridley stroop on 1935. his experiment was that the participants saw the name of one color and the name of the color be highlited with another color and they need to say what is the color that is highlited and that takes them a lot a time to do in other words to think. But what the stroop effect really means is that it shows that when two parts of the brain are given conflicting signals, it is super hard to figure out what is happening. In his experiment, John ridley stroop asked participants to verbally identify the color of each word is printed in and all did not say it fast it was hard for them. Stroop used participants who where from universities. Also “stroop tested his participants at different stages of practice with each task, to account for the effects of association. Stroop identified a large increase on the time taken by participants to complete the naming colored words tasks, an effect still pronounced against continued practice at each task”. “This interference is caused by the dominance of functional area of the brain that interprets written language, where the brain determines the meaning of words. Interpreting written language and speaking are classified by scientists as local stimuli.” What stroop also wanted to see was if the left part of the brain was stronger that the right side of the brain. He find out also that the brain can not be trained using normal methods to developed some areas of the brain, so stroop effects can not be reduced with training. Stimuli in Stroop paradigms can be divided in 3 groups neutral, congruent and incongruent. “Neutral stimuli comprise those in which only the text similarly to stimuli 1 of Stroop's experiment, or color similarly to stimuli 3 of Stroop's experiment) are displayed. Congruent stimuli are those in which the ink color and color name refer to the same concept for example the red word written in red). Incongruent stimuli are those in which ink color and concept differ”. John stroop wanted to make tricks to the brain, he made them think because the stroop effect is very tricky and no one can know how cheat it.
All in quotations was all the important things I found about stroop effect.
All in quotations was all the important things I found about stroop effect.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The placebo effect is an effect cause by the placebo like if you have a problem in your leg and the doctor says that he checked your leg but truely he did not made a thing is just a placebo and then the next week or month the pacient will say it dosen't hurt, he healed his leg mentally by the placebo. Beecher wanted to show that the placebo has this effectiveness that can help everybody, he wanted to improve health by doing nothing or something fake, he wanted to improve the medical world, the studies always have problems this one for example when you do the study to many people mostly all the people will have some problems after the study like pain, depression even heart problems that always go wrong in a good study. This studies always have there bad thing for example when beecher wanted a reanalysis they did not found any work of him that is cited to his name so he lost all his hard work and investigations that it took several years to make them.That is a mayor problem for this studies, the placebo effect only affects in some people who have a mentally established mind.For me the effectiveness of the placebo effect is good because it helps many persons, we saw a video of a vietnam fromer soldeir who had a knee problem so the doctor made the operation but he did not made anything and by the next week the former soldeir did not have any pain so the effectiveness of the placebo is good in people who have in their mind that they want the pain to go away.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
cultural differences
There is a thing called childhood amnesia is that you don't remember about things in your early childhood only if they are very emotional. There are people who grow up in societies that focus on personal history like in the united states or other that focus in the family history like Maori will have a very different childhood memory.Many psychologists want to find out more about that because is very interesting. Depending in what rgion you are your memory will be different because they are based in thir cultural way, everyone will have better or worst memory others advance or slow memory is very fascinating that your memory is different depending where do you live.
gender differences
There are sex differennces in episodic memory,a long term memory of emotions and favoring women. The study says that the women are more advance in many things than men like remebering things many things. the women also can remember symbolic and non linguistic information this is also called visouspatial processing.They say that women are better than man in remembering names and that women remember women faces better that men faces. To see if all of that is true they put three groups of participants with black and white pictures of hairless androgynous faces wich are the female faces, the study results were that women were able to remember the androgynous female faces than adrogynous male faces.The whole point is that women are better that men in the part of remembering things, I know a guy named Ron White and he is better than all women and men in remembering things he is the best.
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