

Monday, October 4, 2010

Stroop effect

The backround for this experiment is that it is a demonstration of reaction of time for example if you put names of colors but are written in other color you need to be quick to say the color of how is written.Many people has done that experiment, they are not quick to say because is very confusing but if you learn it well you can get it right. The stroop effect is conducted in a way where shows how the brain deals with conflicting things. it is the interference in the completion of a task that is caused by one area of the brain dominating and inhibiting the response of other areas that can work good. Agood example like i said before is the color identification task where the words naming a color such as yellow, purple or black are presented in different color of the name. A delay occurs in the proccesing of the color leading to a slower test reaction times and increase the mistakes, it makes an interference.This interference is caused by the dominance of functional of the brain that intertrps written language,where you can see that the brain determine the colors.The Stroop task has been made to study frontal function and attention in brain imaging studies. one example what stroop made is Stroop tested his participants at different stages of practice with each task, to account for the effects of association. Stroop identified a large increase on the time taken by participants to complete the Naming Color Words tasks, an effect still pronounced despite continued practice at each task. The stroop effect is very tricky you need to be full concentrated to make the good choices.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this is not in your own words and you did not site any sources
